Welcome to

mindful Cures​

A website for gaining knowledge and sharing ideas about simple, practical, mindfulness applications for wellness and TMS chronic pain

A Pain Free Life is Within Reach

Mind body medicine gave me back my life and saved me from years of chronic pain and illness after I discovered the writing of Dr. John Sarno and learned about Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS). I managed to permanently heal many years of constant TMS chronic pain using psychological shifts. My results have remained stable and permanent for ten years. I would love to help others discover a more stable permanent cure like mine. When I was new to this information, I found it frustrating when people would give vague advice with little detail. In this blog I hope to thoroughly flesh out exactly what has worked for me and what hasn’t including quite a bit of detail about how and why.

If you found out about TMS but are having a hard time making your results permanent, I believe my personal experience might be of help. It is not my goal or intention to diagnose anyone of any medical condition. My goal is to share my own story and help others that have already determined for themselves that they have TMS chronic pain.

I personally believe that the content of this website can be the paradigm shift that leads people out of the weeds and toward a more stable and permanent chronic pain cure like mine.
You too can learn to live with the quiet, confident, empowered mindset required to remain pain free and mindfully cured.